Assessing the Challenges, Benefits and Public Acceptance of Drone Technology for Last-Mile Delivery in Bangladesh


  • Saad B A Hai University of Rajshahi
  • Md Joshim U University of Rajshahi
  • Abdur Rahman R University of Rajshahi
  • Moynul Hasan University of Rajshahi
  • Md Mojammel University of Rajshahi


drone delivery, last-mile logistics, public acceptance, technology adoption


This paper examines the potential for using drone technology to enhance last-mile delivery operations in Bangladesh. A hybrid methodology combined a systematic literature review on drone delivery with primary data collection through surveys assessing public acceptance in Bangladesh. Results indicate cautious optimism towards drone adoption, with recognition of benefits like efficiency and sustainability but concerns around safety, privacy, and job impacts. Addressing these concerns through policies and public education will be key to successful integration. Demonstration projects evidencing reliable operations may also foster acceptance. While still facing limitations like battery life and payload restrictions, strategic focus on short urban routes offers near-term feasibility. Further technological improvements can expand capacity. Overall, deliberative integration of drones holds transformative potential to make last-mile delivery faster, greener, and more accessible.



How to Cite

Saad B A Hai, Md Joshim U, Abdur Rahman R, Moynul Hasan, & Md Mojammel. (2023). Assessing the Challenges, Benefits and Public Acceptance of Drone Technology for Last-Mile Delivery in Bangladesh. Supply Chain Insider | ISSN: 2617-7420 (Print), 2617-7420 (Online), 10(1). Retrieved from